Saturday 12 May 2012

Mushroom Fakecake

Every Saturday, once G has gone to work and I am alone, I make myself a cheese and mushroom pancake. It's definitely one of my favourite snacks and takes me back twenty years when I was pregnant with my daughter R and would visit Beaus creperie on shopping trips to Canterbury. This restaurant was run by the nicest people and the crepes were gorgeous, although cheese and mushroom was the best and I would always have two.

Disaster! Today I went to the fridge and there weren't any eggs! I had cheese and I had mushrooms....but no eggs. I did have some tortilla wraps in the freezer and, after frying off the 'shrooms I warmed the wrap up in the pan with grated cheese, threw on the fungi and the mandatory (ode to Beaus) dried herbs, salt and loads of pepper. It was crispier and I had to fold it to eat it, but it was good.

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