Welcome to my blog, welcome to my Pantry! First I must confess that this is not a photo of my Pantry, I don't actually have a Pantry anymore, my ex-husband kept it, but I do have a couple of cupboards and they house food, so that counts.
I don't miss my ex-husband, but I miss my little pantry terribly, it was my tiny sanctuary under the stairs where I could keep everything; tins, bottles, jars, herbs & spices,vinegars, oils, flavourings, sugars, syrups, sprinkles, cake tins in different shapes, sizes and images, Ziploc freezer bags (food 'stationery'- I have a bit of a stationery fetish!) alcohol (for culinary reasons, but towards the end of the marriage the pantry, the alcohol and I became very close!!) and many other food curios. I sacrificed it all for my sanity...
But to my new blog, I have wanted to write one for a while now and with the gift of my own little Netbook for Christmas there is no excuse. I will be writing about food and how I am trying to save money while feeding my family well. Like a tortoise waking up from it's winter hibernation, this could be a slow and laboured journey, but hopefully I will find my pace and direction and it could be fun. . .