Just off the London Road in Wrotham is a small, white single storey building. It looks very ramshackle and a little tired, with accidental garlands of light cables draped around it, peeling paintwork and grey windows. It sits silently, with the reverence of a Cathedral surrounded by motorbikes of every creed and colour. This is the Oakdene Cafe, a Shrine for its two-wheeled hungry pilgrims.
Inside there is always a full congregation; all walks of life indistinguishable in their uniform of black leathers, heavy boots, slogan T-shirts and neck buffs. Everyone equal and respectful in their roadside sanctuary.
I love it there and we always stop on our way through for a huge breakfast. On Good Friday, breaking up our journey to Bath, we ate breakfast at 9am, we both had the Oakdene Special and didn't feel hungry again until 6pm that evening! I am not going to wax lyrical about the food (and I certainly won't say anything negative through fear of rousing the mob!), it was a huge fry-up with a mug of tea, brown sauce and plenty of salt on the egg and tomato. Not recommended every day, but once in a while it's extremely good for you!
So glad to hear that you are out and about!