With the elusive arrival of summer comes the promise of meals eaten outdoors. I love picnics and evening meals eaten on the half rotten table that wobbles on the decking in our 'communal' garden. Last year we would take one of those disposable barbecues out there, once it was up to heat we would sit it on a 'fireproof' base (a couple of bricks and an oven tray!). I would have a plate of very thinly sliced beef, chicken, pork and streaky bacon and we would each take a slice, cook it in seconds over the heat and eat, dipped in Dijon mayonnaise, Hollandaise, ketchup, HP sauce - whatever we had to hand.
One of my favorite picnic foods is the pie, shortcrust or hot water crust I'm not fussy I love them both, and the filling too (although I'm not too keen on a lot of jelly in my Pork Pie). This recipe for Raised Game Pie is simple and very savoury.
RAISED PIE - A carried meal or served hot or cold for lunch
80z plain flour 3oz fat bacon, minced
1 teaspoon salt 1 onion, minced (2oz)
2 oz dripping or fat 2 level teaspoons mixed herbs
1/4 pint water 1/2 level teaspoon salt
8oz sausage meat 1/4 level teaspoon pepper
Mix the flour and salt. Boil the dripping or cooking fat and water and add to the flour. Knead well and line a 1 lb bread tin with the pastry, keeping back enough to make a lid. Mix the other ingredients thoroughly, place in the tin and cover with the remaining pastry. Brush over with a little egg or milk and bake in a moderate oven for 1 hour.