For the first time this year I have just sat on the grass in my friend's garden! I know it sounds a little extreme but this could indeed herald the official beginning of summer; of balmy(ish) evenings, eating and drinking outside. It was nice to sit and drink coffee outside whilst being entertained by F skipping up and down and demonstrating her hand-stands!
My friend J had made some bread dough earlier that day but hadn't had time to knead and bake it so she gave me a piece for my supper. I thought I had some leftover pizza sauce but R had already eaten it, that scuppered my pizza plan. Instead I've just scattered some bits of onion, tomato and thyme, drizzled olive oil and seasoned my flattened dough. I will cook it as soon as G and I get back from our bike ride later this evening.
Looks just as delicious as anything we ate in Italy!